Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Making a tin sample cup for the Flash Analyzer

Tutorial: how to make the tin sample cups

There are many sizes of sample tins available; choose the size that is best for your sample mass.

The easiest way to make the tin sample cups is to buy them pre-formed. They are slightly more expensive but in my opinion it is worth it to not waste your time making them. However, if you want to save the money or have thousands of the un-formed tin slips, you might as well give it a go.

There are two ways to do this, especially if your Flash came with one of these strange metal cylinders that, hopefully, I am using correctly.

Set up, remember to keep space sterile.

Use this other tool to carefully begin forming the capsule.
Carefully form the tin and pull it out.
Finished tin. Awesome! (I'm not impressed)

Step 2: done.

Step 1: fold tin around tool.

This is an easier way to make the tins. It's faster and the tin doesn't rip as much.

Now you are ready to make those useless tin slips into useful capsules for your Flash.

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