Saturday, February 7, 2015

Filling and balling tin capsules for the Flash CN analyzer

When preparing samples for the Flash CN analyzer, it can be difficult to explain how to use the capsules and use the Z folding technique. Hopefully these videos will help you understand the necessary techniques. It might take many samples before you are comfortable with the techniques, and might be even longer until you can do them without spilling too much. Obviously, I am not there yet. When preparing your final samples, make sure to use gloves and work on a sterilized surface. These videos are just for tutorial purposes (do as I say, not as I do).

This first video shows how to fill the tin capsules. When figuring out how much of sample x is  your target milligrams size, it is helpful to add less than you think it will be. It is hard to remove excess sample once in the tin without spilling it all out. As you can see, the microscoopula is not exactly a precision tool. When massing your samples, use a five decimal point balance. Remember to zero the balance with the empty tin capsule on ti before adding sample.

This second video shows how to fold the tin into a Z, fold the tin over to seal it, and then press it into a ball. It is easiest to do this with a pair of forceps.

Hopefully these videos have been helpful. Good luck and happy analyzing!

 For a laugh, check out how steady my hands are. You defiantly don't want me preforming your surgery, lol.